South Kitsap Eastern Little League

2024 Team Parent Application


Welcome Team Parents

The team parent is the point of contact, other than the manager, that is the go between, from the board to the parents on the team.  They will be in charge of getting information out to the parents, helping the manager with the games (helping things go smooth in the dugout), organize forms that need to be given out,  organizing treat tickets (if desired by team), getting uniforms out, making sure there are enough volunteers for the designated concession dates for the team to work, organizing the end of the year party for the team.  The team parent can work with other parents on the team to help to keep things running smoothly. 



Please direct questions to:

Todd Yelish

SKELL Team Parent Coordinator

Brittany Freeze

Brittany Freeze

SKELL Vice President

Phone: 360-731-4603